A Blog for female cyclists

We aim to provide the best tips, guides, and stories for women who love to cycle. Please come back often for updates!

Managing Your Period as an Endurance Cyclist

As a female endurance cyclist, dealing with your menstrual cycle can be challenging, but it's important to learn how to manage it effectively to maintain your training routine and optimize your performance on race day. In this article, we'll discuss the various strategies and tips for managing your period while training for an endurance cycling race, including the downsides and how to minimize them, as well as any upsides you can take advantage of.

Boulder, Colorado for Women Cyclists

Cycling in Boulder, Colorado is a popular activity for people of all ages and abilities. With its stunning mountain scenery, rolling hills, and numerous bike paths and trails, Boulder is a prime destination for cycling enthusiasts. In particular, Boulder has much to offer women cyclists, with its strong cycling community, women's-specific events and groups, and an abundance of resources and support for women who want to take their cycling to the next level. In this article, we will explore why Boulder is such a great place to cycle as a woman, and provide tips and advice for making the most of your cycling experience in this vibrant and bike-friendly city.

7 Tips for Choosing a Helmet as a Female Cyclists

Choosing a helmet is one of the most important decisions you'll make as a cyclist. Not only does it protect your head in case of a crash, but it can also impact your comfort, visibility, and overall riding experience. As a female cyclist, it's important to choose a helmet that fits your head and accommodates your hair and head shape. In this guide, we'll go over some important factors to consider when choosing a helmet as a female cyclist.

Portland, Oregon for Women Cyclists

Portland, Oregon is a dream destination for cyclists, and it's especially popular among women. With miles of bike lanes, paths, and trails, along with a vibrant cycling culture and plenty of events and organizations, Portland offers a supportive and exciting environment for female cyclists. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why Portland is such a great place to cycle as a woman, along with tips for making the most of your cycling experience in this amazing city.

Choose the Right Sports Bra for Cycling

For female cyclists, choosing the right sports bra is essential for comfort and performance. A poorly fitting bra can cause discomfort, chafing, and even impact your breathing and movement while riding. In this guide, we'll go over some important factors to consider when choosing the perfect sports bra for female cyclists.

A Beginners Guide for Female Endurance Cyclists

Endurance cycling is an exciting and challenging sport that offers many benefits for women. From the thrill of the open road to the physical and mental benefits of regular exercise, endurance cycling can be an empowering and rewarding experience for female cyclists of all levels. In this beginner's guide, we will explore some of the key tips and strategies that can help female cyclists improve their endurance and achieve their goals, whether they are just starting out or looking to take their cycling to the next level.